What I am doing right now? Ach well …
You don’t need to be mad to work here, but it might help … Seriously, where did this year go? I mean … woooosh .. and now it is already November and I feel as if I am still stuck in April or so. Help! Well, the main reason why I did not write much here: I was busy. And I mean, I was really, really busy. Here are the main reasons why … I translated another book for the wonderful Jill Barnett. It is not yet available, but I hope it will be published soon and then you can buy it on the usual publishing platforms. As always, I…
Blogging on an island in the wild, wild west
Blogging. Again! I have a confession to make. I have blogged before. But I think I was never really good at it. Why, you may ask. After all, it is just a blog and you are a writer, so, get going. Well, I think it has something to do with the fact that I am a bit passionate about things that are really close to my heart. And then, when I write about it, at one point, I am getting carried away very often. That can be a good thing to blog or write everything what is on your chest, but it can also horribly backfire and I still feel…